Development Assistance

As consultants we can assist you with planning and building code requirements of your design and facilitate the project through the NSW Planning Portal and provide many more services.
From design concept to completion. We are the only company that provides this complete service in the region. See our Services section for more details.
Planning Assistance

As planning consultants we can provide specialist advice for your design before going through the NSW Planning Portal.
- Prepare and lodge DAs
- Prepare and lodge S4.55 and S4.56 modifications
- Problem solving planning matters
- Liaise with Councils on your behalf
- Assist with rectifying Council Notices and Orders
- Pre-complying development assessment reports
- Subdivision pre-assessments, preparation and lodgements
- Process management of all Council and certifier applications
Building Code Consultants

As building consultants we provide National Contruction Code (NCC) / Building Code of Australia (BCA) report for projects and existing construction.
- Pre-planning design building code assessments
- Clause 62 change of use reports for DAs
- Clause 64 building addition reports for DAs
- Advice on proposed performance solutions
- Comprehensive clause by clause BCA reports for all classes of buildings for a variety of applications
- Product and materials compliance checks and reports
- BCA reports for building information certificates
- Fire safety upgrade reports
- Historical investigations
- Council Notice and Order fire safety reports
- Voluntary upgrade reports
- Pre-assessment of CDCs, construction certificates and occupations certificates
We are ethical, honest, trustworthy, and professional.
As of 1 July 2024 we are no longer undertaking private building certification work.
We are also finalising all our existing building certification work.
We will continue to assist clients throughout the development process from concept to completion.
Get in touch with us today for all your development needs.
Connect with us today at our new office in Mullumbimby!
02 6680 5424
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation