I have inspected many different installations of these in NSW. They can be a great addition to a building but can also be a major hazard.
There is a renewed push to control emissions under AS4012 and AS4013 incorporating a compliance plate scheme. A number of suppliers attest to compliance with these Standards but I feel the biggest loser here is AS2918.
I have pulled up many suppliers claiming compliance with AS2918 on their ‘compliance certificates’ where the fireplace and / or flue system has never been tested or tested to outdated versions of AS2918.
I have also queried why the emissions tests require a compliance plate yet the test of the actual fireplace does not warrant a compliance plate.
Some installations are downright dangerous too with no hearth, laid directly onto timber floors, with no clearance to walls or incorrect and non-compliant heat shields.
Please check installations and supplier certificates you are receiving. Some companies claim compliance by just being NATA accredited. The fireplaces and flues must have product certification. Ask for test reports and do not simply rely on installation manuals.
What are your thoughts on this topic?