However are you compromising your integrity?
Is it construction industry practice to accept works, products, materials and certification because everyone else accepts it?
Does it meet the minimum standard of the BCA and / or Australian Standards? It is in accordance with the tested system?
Are you thinking about these questions or are you just accepting the work and / or certificates?
Do you read the certificates you are accepting?
Do you accept lower standards so you do not get questioned?
Do you not really understand some of the requirements of the BCA or the Australian Standards?
We believe there should be much more construction industry awareness of what should and should not be accepted. Not just on site but the correlation between design, construction, and compliance at the end of a project.
Every day we question design, construction and compliance. Every day we are questioned why we cannot accept something that is ‘industry practice’ and ‘accepted by everyone else’ and ‘this is the way it is always done and you are the first to question it’.
Are you bending with the wind.
We stand firm for rules, regulations and meeting objectives to look after and protect our clients.
Your project is in safe hands with the experienced team at Certifiers 2U.
Connect with us today!