When holidaying in a cabin in Australia think about what the designer and certifier had to go through to make it happen.
The designer presents the plan to the certifier and this is where the journey begins.
Remember those ‘choose your own adventure’ type books?
Well when it comes to cabins and adventure you cannot go much further than the Building Code of Australia and referenced Australian Standards.
We first step onto the path and ask what is the BCA classification of a holiday cabin? We come to a fork in the road. Is it Class 1b? Or Class 3? Or a Class 1a?
Over the hill and around the bend comes do they need to be accessible? Umm…..
If they do, to what level do they need to be accessible?
Do they have to meet just BCA Volume Two requirements? Or is it just BCA Volume One? Or is it BCA Volumes One and Two that have to be met?
We are confused, maybe we will try to go back the way I came.
If they need to meet Volumes One and Two for accessibility do they also need to meet AS1428.1, AS1428.2 and AS1428.4? Or just AS1428.1? Or AS1428.1 and AS1428.2 only?
I am completely turned around now.
Do they also need to meet Disability (Access to premises – Buildings) Standard? Or are they exempt from this if the owner is not building them?
We get to the bottom of complex problems.
Any type of planning building code and certification work you need, we can do it.
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