Please see below for the range of services we offer.
Please note that as of 1 July 2024 we are no longer offering private certification services for the issue of construction certificates, complying development certificates, critical stage inspections and occupation certificates. We can however assist you with the preparation and lodgement of applications with your chosen certifier.
Development Services
Our highly experienced professionals understand the crucial role in the provision of planning and building code services to property owners and developers, for residential, agricultural, industrial, commercial, educational, health, and tourism sectors. We tailor our services to individual client’s needs.
Our planning team follows each project from conception right through not only to development approval but to occupation certificate approval and beyond.
We project manage the entire development by providing the following services:
- Preliminary planning and building code advice on development projects.
- Preparation of statements of environmental effects.
- Preparaitons and lodgement of Development Applications (DAs).
- Preparation of Review of Environmental Factors.
- Preparation of review of DA commencements and lifting of deferred commencement of consents
- Facilitation of development applications, Section 4.55 modifications, construction certificate applications, building information certificate applications, occupation certificate applications, complying development certificate applications, Section 68 applications, Section 138 applications, Section 307 applications, Section 735 applications, subdivision certificates, adjoining land owner submissions, Section 22 Swimming Pools Act exemptions, Section 10.7 planning certificates, deposited plans and many more.
- NSW Planning Portal Specialists.
Fire Safety Certificate services for Class 1b-9 buildings
Is your building old or have you not kept up with approvals and maintenance over the years?
Does Council not have a copy of fire safety schedule for your building?
Has Council asked you to produce a fire safety schedule for your building?
Do you not have a fire safety certificate or annual fire safety statement for your building?
Is your fire safety certificate, schedule or statement out of date?
Look no further:
- We provide on site inspections and assessment reports for existing buildings.
- We determine what measures were required at the time of approval for the building and subsequent works.
- We produce comprehensive reports identifying existing fire safety measures.
- We provide existing fire safety schedules in our reports for Council.
- We provide a list of upgrades to be considered for the building to be given to Council to issue Fire Safety Orders.
- We provide existing and proposed fire safety schedules in our comprehensive reports for proposed alterations and additions to existing buildings.
Unapproved work
Do you have unapproved works on your property? Or are you unsure if everything is approved?
We have extensive experience dealing with unapproved work to get you back on track. We can facilitate the entire process.
We offer a full service from initial investigation to completion including:
- Investigating your property to see where, why and how it does not comply and whether it is capable of complying.
- Planning and building advice and give you an idea about the cost of compliance.
- Preparation and lodgement of your development application.
- Prepare and lodge your building information certificate application (we also prepare any BCA reports including any performance solutions as necessary).
- Attend site meetings on your behalf with Council.
- Facilitate any construction certificates, complying development certificates and occupation certificates.
Site meetings and compliance checks
Our staff have extensive qualifications, experience and knowledge in planning and building. We conduct site inspections on a daily basis to assist our clients with the following services:
- Compliance checks on existing construction to see if and where they meet current legislation building codes and standards or the legislation, building codes and standards at which they were built. The compliance check is particularly handy when you are considering selling or purchasing property.
- Obtaining Council records for existing approvals.
- Comprehensive reports on existing buildings where they may not comply with building code and planning requirements and the heads of consideration and pathways to obtaining approvals.
- Development potential reports for existing properties.
- Initial desktop assessments where unapproved work may have occurred.
- Verification that materials used in construction are fit for purpose.
Development Investigations
Our highly qualified, professional and experienced staff can assist you with current development in the community where you believe it is not complying with approvals and where you believe you are directly impacted by the development. Our Directors are unrestricted private certifiers, planning and building code consultants so they know the complex planning and building certification system. We review records and conduct site meetings to verify compliance and provide the following services:
- Assessment of existing approvals by Councils and certifiers for Development Applications (DAs), Construction Certificates (CCs), Complying Development Certificates (CDCs), and Occupation Certificates (OCs).
- Work on your behalf to attend any site meetings with the owner, developer, builder, and certifier of the development and if necessary with Council.
- Investigate compliance with current approvals, planning and building legislation and the Building Code of Australia for works prior to commencement of construction, during construction and at completion of construction.
- Produce compliance reports of the development to the client.
- Provide list of requirements to be addressed by the certifier, the property owner, developer and if necessary, to the Council.
NSW Planning Portal application lodgement specialists
Our extensive experience working in and around Councils gives you the confidence to use Certifiers2U for a number of different requirements such as:
- Development Applications (DAs)
- Do you require approval of a construction certificate, complying development certificate or occupation certificate through the NSW Planning Portal? We can help.
- Section 4.55 modifications
- Deferred commencement DA conditions. We can work with you to satisfy those requirements
- Development Application (DA) conditions to comply with and do not know where to begin? We can assist you.
- We provide a complete application preparation and lodgement service with the NSW Planning Portal.
Council liaison services
Our principals have each worked in Councils for more than 20 years, we understand the processes and we recognize that not everything goes to plan. We offer our extensive knowledge and problem solving capabilities to resolve issues such as:
- Making presentations on your behalf for Notices or Proposed Orders and Orders.
- Assisting you where we can to obtain Building Information Certificate approvals for unauthorised works.
- Problem solving town planning and building code matters.
- Resolving Council Notice and Order legal matters.
National Construction Code (NCC) / Building Code of Australia (BCA) reports
We provide extensive NCC / BCA reports to assist you in many parts of the development process such as:
- Pre-planning design building code assessments.
- Clause 62 change of use reports for DAs.
- Clause 64 building addition reports for DAs.
- Advice on proposed performance solutions.
- Comprehensive clause by clause NCC / BCA reports for all classes of buildings for a variety of applications.
- Performance solution reports.
- Product and materials compliance checks and reports.
- NCC / BCA reports for building information certificates.
Pre-CDC assessment service
Do you really need a DA for your development? Have you considered complying development?
Our pre-complying development certificate (Pre-CDC) service has been very popular and continues to be so due to the long wait times for DAs. We work with you to consider if any part of you proposed development can be approved as a CDC if not the enitre development.
With the introduction of the Design and Building Practitioners Act in June 2020 with legislation commencing in July 2020 the role of Building Certifiers keeps evolving. We provide a CDC assessment service and report and then facilitate the the application through the NSW Planning Portal to your Council or certifier of choice.
Building material verification and compliance service
We provide a product verification and compliance service for any building products and materials. Our certifiers assess test reports, certificates or assessment and appraisals from small testing businesses through to multinational companies to ensure the testing and the product is fit for purpose and provides the necessary evidence of suitability under the Building Code of Australia which forms part of the National Construction Code.